Author : Kevin Adhiguna - @kevinadhiguna -, See on Github :, Read more on Blog :, Strapi - GraphQL API queries and mutations. It can be used to create queries or mutations. Request Feature, Hello there, welcome to Strapi GraphQL API documentation! To use them, register the extension as a function that takes nexus as a parameter: A resolver is a GraphQL query or mutation handler (i.e. Queries can accept a pagination parameter. If you haven't edited the configuration file, it is already disabled in production by default. But now you should be able to open and close the Edit form modal, You should also be able to Edit post and save like so, Thus far, we have covered Reading, Editing and Deleting post from our GraphQL server. Arguments # If the only thing we could do was traverse objects and their fields, GraphQL would already be a very useful language for data fetching. I added it for ease of navigation. Next, let's look at how you can use custom resolvers to customize both your queries and mutations. Final Code on GitHub Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games? The GraphQL API reference describes queries, mutations and parameters you can use to interact with your API using Strapi's GraphQL plugin. The Strapi GraphQl playground is a development environment for you to interact with your Strapi application using GraphQl. Using API tokens in the the GraphQL playground requires adding the authorization header with your token in the HTTP HEADERS tab: Replace with your API token generated in the Strapi Admin panel. For each model, the plugin auto-generates queries and mutations which just fit to your needs. Note : Please attach a JWT in Headers, usually Superadmin's JWT. The id is passed along to the single post component. If your observant, you will notice that the QraphQL query is a little different from the query in the playground. Let's create a placeholder schema object that will include the following: Let's define our query and type definitions. Here is the query to display a single role : Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. If we wanted to create a new user for instance, it would be createUser instead. We can access this Playground using http://localhost:1337/graphql. The field name ? Policies directly implemented in resolversConfig are functions that take a context object and the strapi instance as arguments. Once you have saved the changes to your schema, restart the server and run yarn develop again to make sure the changes are reflected, and run the following query below. this would also return a jwt token for access like so. To simplify and automate the build of the GraphQL schema, we introduced the Shadow CRUD feature. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. * This gives you an opportunity to extend code. How GraphQL helps solve this problem and how implementing GraphQL in Strapi is even easier than we think. The policies key is an array accepting a list of policies, each item in this list being either a reference to an already registered policy or an implementation that is passed directly (see policies configuration documentation). In Strapi v3, middlewares applied to a resolver are inherited from middlewares associated to the REST controller. To identify current user, you can use me query, like this : Note : me query requires JWT attached in headers! Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Queries in GraphQL are used to fetch data without modifying it. If you need help installing the CLI or upgrading to the latest version of Vue.js, follow this tutorial here for details. GraphQL is a query language for your API and a server-side runtime for executing queries using a type system you define for your data. 'application::api-name.content-type-name.sendItemByEmail', 'application::api-name.content-type-name.find', disable queries, mutation, actions or fields, and adapting the existing Strapi v3 code to take advantage of the GraphQL extension service introduced in Strapi v4, accessible through. But in our current starter project, it should look like the image below. Imagine you want to change a user's email. deleteBlog method accepts an input object with a where object that accepts the id of the post to delete. Its benefits supersede its downside. a function, or a collection of functions, that generate(s) a response for a GraphQL query or mutation). What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? Hello there, welcome to Strapi GraphQL API documentation! Success! Lets try fetching post from our GraphQL backend. In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup GraphQL in Strapi, run GraphQL queries and Mutations using the Strapi playground, and within a Vue.js application using Apollo, carry out CRUD request . This can be set in the HTTP Headers section of your GraphQL Playground. Notice the Nav.vue component. ): Boolean! NPM version: 6.14.4 Strapi version: 3.2.5 Database: PostgreSQL v13.0 Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04 (via vagrant vbox, host is windows 10 Pro) issue: feature request Dynamic zones are union types in graphql so you need to use fragments to query the fields. The object describing the extension accepts the following parameters: The types and plugins parameters are based on Nexus. Strapi is an open-source project (see LICENSE file for more information). In order to interact with the GraphQL server, we either need to write a Query or a Mutation. You can get and use the following util to do so: const { toEntityResponse } = strapi.plugin ('graphql').service ('format').returnTypes; And then transform your data using return toEntityResponse (data, { args, resourceUID: 'api::customer-profile.customer-profile' }); Let me know if it helped you fix your issue. Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? All right, imagine you created a collection type which has several fields, including cardImage, facePhoto, and personWithCardPhoto. lauriejim changed the title No way to login through GraphQL Add login/register mutation GraphQL Feb 9, 2019 lauriejim added good first issue Good for newcomers severity: low If the issue only affects a very niche base of users and an easily implemented workaround can solve and removed severity: medium If it breaks the basic use of the product . Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? Hope you enjoyed this introduction to the the basics of extending and creating custom resolvers with GralhQL in Strapi v4. An introduction to Strapi. In 5e D&D and Grim Hollow, how does the Specter transformation affect a human PC in regards to the 'undead' characteristics and spells? Results can be filtered, sorted and paginated. To increase GraphQL security even further, 3rd-party tools can be used. With the GraphQL plugin, you will be able to add a GraphQL endpoint to fetch and mutate your content. Otherwise this will not be attached to your entry. To use them, register the extension as a function that takes nexus as a parameter: A resolver is a GraphQL query or mutation handler (i.e. type (object): allows you to add description, deprecated field or disable the Shadow CRUD feature on a specific type. Go ahead and run this query: To sum up, when working with GraphQL, you should create a resolver for each related item you want to populate. Here is how you can add a new record inside it : For instace, identifier and birthPlace are variables available in idCardVerification collection type. Note : the refId is the ID of the entry you create in your collection type API. For more information visit Apollo Server Docs. In order to interact with the GraphQL server, we either need to write a Query or a Mutation . This gives the client a lot more freedom, resulting in much faster development compared to REST. Hello there, welcome to Strapi GraphQL API documentation! If you haven't edited the configuration file, it is already disabled in production by default. With the Users & Permissions plugin, a GraphQL request is allowed if the appropriate permissions are given. Strapi gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while allowing editors to easily manage their content and distribute it anywhere. Results can be filtered, sorted and paginated. resolver (object): Query (object): lets you define custom resolver, policies for a query. Whether youre looking to create a simple headless content system for your blog or to fully centralize your e-commerce product information, Strapi offers a robust backend. To get started with GraphQL in your application, please install the plugin first. Strapi gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while allowing editors to easily manage their content and distribute it anywhere. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Lets edit our App.vue component to work with our router. These are necessary fields that we need. Lets explore some of the most useful filters. You can verify our newly created query by looking at the GraphQL Playground schema: When looking at this code, everything may seem like it is working correctly, but there is an issue here, and it has something to do with passing populate to our find() method. The context object gives access to: Middlewares can be applied to a GraphQL resolver through the resolversConfig. Apollo Server options can be used for instance to enable the tracing feature, which is supported by the GraphQL playground to track the response time of each part of your query. a function, or a collection of functions, that generate(s) a response for a GraphQL query or mutation). The GraphQL API reference describes queries, mutations and parameters you can use to interact with your API using Strapi's GraphQL plugin. Lets proceed by carrying out CRUD operations on our blog content using the playground. Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? Set the playgroundAlways configuration option to true to also enable the GraphQL Playground in production environments (see plugins configuration documentation). If you have any additional questions, join us at our Discord community, where you can ask questions or help other members with theirs. In a typical REST API-based application, data is fetched from the back end and displayed on the front end. Fill the form and select these fields. The object describing the extension accepts the following parameters: The types and plugins parameters are based on Nexus. In production environments, disabling the GraphQL Playground and the introspection query is recommended. Product. In our newly created component, we added a form, implemented slight authentication and made our GraphQL query to create a new user. A fully managed platform for your Strapi apps, Integrate Strapi with your favorite tools, Build trustful relations with your customers, Deliver faster digital experiences for your clients, Create and manage content on any platform, Meet the Strapi experts and top contributors, Get paid to share your technical expertise, Strapi user groups to learn, share and collaborate, Learn more about our annual user conference, npx create-strapi-starter graphql-blog next-blog --quickstart, "Maybe the answer is in this article, or not", article(slug: String! If you've generated an API called Document using the interactive strapi generate CLI or the administration panel, your model looks like this: Strapi provides a programmatic API to customize GraphQL, which allows: The extension service provided with the GraphQL plugin exposes functions that can be used to disable operations on Content-Types: Actions can also be disabled at the field level, with the following functions: The following getters can be used to retrieve information about operations allowed on content-types: The following getters can be used to retrieve information about operations allowed on fields: The schema generated by the Content API can be extended by registering an extension. This is where resolvers come into play. The Users & Permissions plugin offers a more granular control. By default, the Strapi GraphQL plugin has Shadow CRUD enabled, a useful feature eliminating the need to specify any definitions, queries, mutations, or anything else. Do not close your Strapi project while working on Vue.js. * change the 'name' attribute of parent with id 1 to 'foobar', define permissions with the Users & Permissions plugin, using GraphQL Armor with Strapi on the forum, Usage with the Users & Permissions plugin, Disable introspection and playground in production, Only disable queries for the Content-Type, Only disable mutations for the Content-Type, Disable a specific action for the Content-Type, Disable specific actions for the Content-Type, Returns whether a content-type is enabled, Returns whether a content-type is disabled, Returns whether queries are enabled on a content-type, Returns whether queries are disabled on a content-type, Returns whether mutations are enabled on a content-type, Returns whether mutations are disabled on a content-type, Returns whether a field has input enabled, Returns whether a field has output enabled, Returns whether a field has filtering enabled. Remember to share your experience with the rest of the Strapi Community. To query a single category, which is done with the Query.category handler, the request is allowed if the the findOne permission is given. See the guide about using GraphQL Armor with Strapi on the forum. Simply copy and paste the following command line in your terminal to create your first Strapi project. Technically you could use block string notation to get around this issue. Additional resolvers can be customized programmatically using GraphQLs extension service, accessible using strapi.plugin(graphql).service(extension). We just took a look at how to override an existing resolver. As input, it is important to provide a username. With the Users & Permissions plugin, a GraphQL request is allowed if the appropriate permissions are given. Please refer to the user guide on how to define permissions with the Users & Permissions plugin. Middlewares directly implemented in resolversConfig can take the GraphQL resolver's parent, args, context and info objects as arguments. Responses are unified with the GraphQL API in that: Responses can also include an error (see error handling documentation). The Title and Body are corresponding fields in the Blog collection. Let's override it to take a slug vs id. See the guide about using GraphQL Armor with Strapi on the forum. The GraphQL API allows performing queries and mutations to interact with the content-types through Strapi's GraphQL plugin. Here we'll try something different with GraphQL, which we have done previously with the REST APIs - fetching content that depends on user authentication. Usage To get started with GraphQL in your application, please install the plugin first. On the left navigation menu, from the plugin section, click on Content-TypesBuilder. To get started, we need to create a Vue.js application. How to create a new entry in a specific collection? If everything is done right, you should be able to click on a post from the home page and be redirected to a single page that will display the content of the post. Middlewares directly implemented in resolversConfig can take the GraphQL resolver's parent, args, context and info objects as arguments. This approach keeps the business logic in one place so both REST and GraphQL can be customized the way you want. When extending the GraphQL schema, the resolversConfig key can be used to define a custom configuration for a resolver, which can include: By default, the authorization of a GraphQL request is handled by the registered authorization strategy that can be either API token or through the Users & Permissions plugin. further more, we need to create the component that our newly created route points to. Edit srcmain.js file and add the following code. The Strapi v3 code example above should be replaced by the following code in Strapi v4: In Strapi v3, policies applied to a resolver are defined either for the REST controller or in the schema.graphql.js customization file: In Strapi v4, policies applied to a resolver are explicitly defined in a resolversConfig object (see GraphQL policies documentation) and applied through the GraphQL extension service. To do this, click on settingsrolespermissions to grant all the necessary access to the Blogs and save. Usage To get started with GraphQL in your application, please install the plugin first. Results can be filtered, sorted and paginated. After that, the application will redirect to the dashboard. Lets make our actual GraphQL query from the Vue.js application to access data from the Strapi GraphQL server. We need to write a query for this. Queries in GraphQL are used to fetch data without modifying it. For each model, the GraphQL plugin auto-generates queries and mutations that mimics basic CRUD operations (findMany, findOne, create, update, delete). The Users & Permissions plugin is an optional plugin that allows protecting the API with a full authentication process. REST API design pattern is one of the best practices when building APIs for the back end of any application. It's good enough to start building real-world projects. The implementation of the mutations also supports relational attributes. We extended a resolver and now your query returning data based on the slug. We used v-model="blog.Title" and v-model="blog.Body" to bind the post Title and Body to the respective form fields. Which means when you are mutating data through GraphQL, the resolver redirects your request to the REST controller. # Queries to retrieve one or multiple restaurants. Strapi is an open-source headless CMS based on Node.js that is used to create and manage different forms of content using a RESTful API and GraphQL. . In the JavaScript section of your component, add the following after the data function.